Oh what liturgical dance (and other fun, outrageous stuff) Jesus’ insistence we drink his blood and gnaw on his flesh inspires for truly lively (or is it unlively?) worship!
Read MoreGod's Ghouls!

Bible Cabaret
Oh what liturgical dance (and other fun, outrageous stuff) Jesus’ insistence we drink his blood and gnaw on his flesh inspires for truly lively (or is it unlively?) worship!
Read MoreGenesis' Rachel and Leah, two of Jacob's wives, appear on a talk show, and it makes for a nice little valentine for Comic Lens readers....
Read MoreIt is soo extra-funny to take Jesus' already-funny teaching on absurd impossibilities and apply it to a Chicago Cub World Series victory! Or at least it used to be.....
Read MoreTake that (probable and in any case unhelpful) scowl off your face and make a list of your 10 most joyful experiences of 2014. Here's mine....
Read MoreThe Book of Revelation: Gloom and Doom or Looney Toon?
Read MoreWhat we come to know about Adam, Eve et al is actually based on the interpretation (spin?) St. Augustine put on the text, and his profound influence in most corners of the Christian theological world has remained.
Read More“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”
A great way to start seeing life - and God - through the comic lens is to remember and record what humorous, playful, laugh-inducing experiences you've recently had, witnessed and/or created.
Read MoreWhy the Bible should be - probably is - IS - entertaining, funny and fun.
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